My Guardian Angel
Friendship is one thing, but an incredible bond that can never be broken…. Priceless! I always thought I had good friendships growing up, ones you can vent to, ones you can sometimes be vulnerable with, and some you can put all your energy in and hope the bond is mutual. I thought I had that, and after college I thought I met all my long-term friendships, I didn’t know if I would find a good friend while in the real world of life and working. I had no idea I would meet My Favorite Person, My Sister, My Guardian Angel I now learned. I met Molly Ashley at a new job, I was lucky to be trained by her. She was a quiet, reserved, shy lady I thought…. But there was just something about her that I just HAD to be her friend!!! To this day, I cannot explain it! It was a feeling that I could not let go. I told everyone at work my desire to be her friend, I did not even care that it made me come off as weird. Granted, when you are at work, you do not think about finding genuine friendships. You are there to do what you gotta do and go home, to your real life. I would be lying if I said I knew my Sisterhood with Molly would go the way it has, a girl can only dream to find a friend that is selfless, caring, and puts as much energy in the bond as myself
I still remember the day we FIRST EVER hung out! It was a big moment for us both, because talking to someone at work and actually hanging out outside of work are two different things. We were sitting on her porch, just chit chatting and enjoying the good weather and the many good vibes. Molly turned to me and said, “I’m not usually someone that has friends, I have my spouse, my kids and my family. I usually will blow off hanging with someone, but with you…. I’m going to try!” I was shocked and felt all the good feelings. I never knew being someone’s friend could feel SOO GOOD! I have had many long-term friendships before, but they never felt like my bond with Molly. She is legitimately a Gift from God!
These are just some of the many reasons why she is My Guardian Angel:
- She’s Kind
- She’s Supportive
- She’s Honest
- She’s an Individual
- She’s Hilarious
- She’s Protective
- She’s Trustworthy
- She’s Nurturing
- She’s an Amazing Listener
- She’s Optimistic but Practical
- She’s Respectful
- She’s Open-Hearted
- She’s Genuinely Happy for Me
- She Encourages me rather than Disparage
- She Accepts Me for Me!
She and I understand each other in a way that is unmeasurable. We are very different, but with many similarities and both open to learning about the other. With no judgement, and with Endless Support as well as plenty of laughter. She has been there for me in ways that I have not been able to properly thank her. There have been times in our friendship that I needed more tender, love, and care and she has been there for me, with open arms and a warm heart! I thank God every day for giving me My Soul Sister, My Guardian Angel!
She’s more sister than a friend. She’s more family than my blood siblings. How I lucked onto such an amazing human being is beyond me, but I did, and it’s wonderful. Not a day goes by that I’m not thankful we travel the cosmos together via this big, varied Earth. This connection wasn’t simply pulled from the ether, nor does it maintain itself by sparkles and rainbows. There are certain qualities that must be shared in order to form the bonds of good and true friendship. I have had friends come and go in the past, but Molly is not going anywhere! I can put that on my life! I excitedly plan to be there for her big moments and continue to be Auntie Sara to her adorable children. I do not always know what the future holds, but I do know my bond with Molly Ashley is forever!

“The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you’ve had.” -Anonymous
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